The Museum "Vinchio è il mio nido"
Laurana Lajolo's multimedial project:

The Museum “Vinchio is my nest” is located in 12 Cap. Lajolo street, below piazza S. Marco, in Vinchio (Asti). It was designed and realized by Laurana Lajolo, the author’s daughter, who made use of unpublished documents, photographs and selected passages from her father’s books.
The Museum was set up on the walls of the hall with large panels, which explain Lajolo’s life and work to the visitors. The Museum consists in six sections, which start with a sentence written by Davide Lajolo in his books. The section titles are “My people”, “Partisan”, “The journalist”, “Vinchio is my nest”, “The Member of Parliament”, “The writer”.
The Museum is a journey trough the writer’s life: his family, his experience of Italian Resistance and as the director of news paper “L’Unità”, his activity in Italian Parliament and his relations with the most important personality of culture of his time.
Opening hours
12 Cap. Lajolo street, Vinchio (AT- ITALY)
Saturday 4pm - 6 pm,
Sunday 10.30am - 12.30am